Build It Up Blog

The Build It Up Blog includes entries from our gardners discussing their gardening journey and guides from our program staff regarding when to start your seeds, when to put transplants in the ground, when to fertilize, and more!

Gardener Story: Mary Boado

Gardener Story: Mary Boado

Having fresh, produce like kale and radishes right outside our door has changed the way we eat and feel. Knowing exactly what goes into growing these vegetables—free from unknown pesticides and mystery chemicals—gives us peace of mind.

Gardener Story: Lucas Family

Gardener Story: Lucas Family

Hi Everyone, We are the Lucas’ and this is our second year with the ARCD Build It Up gardening program. Over the course of our time in the program we have learned so much about gardening in general. However, the best part has been learning about gardening in our...

Gardener Story: Danielle Fagans

Gardener Story: Danielle Fagans

What an adventure this experience has been. I've had so much fun learning about all the different types of vegetables and plants! My son loved the kids cooking class! It was a joy watching him do something he loves and learn more about the foods he likes to cook. This...

3 Favorite Gardening Books

Rosie and ARC&D’s Build-It-Up program provide a wealth of information for both inexperienced and experienced home gardeners. Each time I look for the answer to a question in the workshop materials, I learn several new things I missed earlier. In addition to the...

Gardener Theresa’s Story

My love of gardening, nature, and Earth stewardship began as soon as I was old enough to sit up in the grass and investigate the diverse plants at my fingertips. I was born disabled and have never had access to nature in a way that fulfills my need to listen to the...

Gardener Story: Crystal Stahl

Gardener Story: Crystal Stahl

Another summer has come to an end, it is always sad to see it go but there really is something inviting about the crisp fall air and the change of the seasons. This has completed my second year in the BIU Garden Program and I am so thankful to have been a part of it!...

Gardener Story: Dezta Family

Gardener Story: Dezta Family

This is our second year gardening as a family. The kids planted the flowers we grew this year - sunflowers, four o clocks, marigolds, nasturtiums, cosmos and amaranth - that we have gifted to friends and neighbors. It also made for a great pollinator garden and we...