Gardener Story: Katie Ohlin

Our family of 4 moved to East TN last summer with the dream of having our own garden to start feeding our family with. Without much gardening experience under my belt, I struggled with where and how to get started, what resources to use for research, and felt stuck at...

Gardener Story: Joanna Arceo

This was our first year gardening, not just in Tennessee, but in general. Back when we were living in California, I asked my husband to pull the hedges in front of our condo so I could plant some edible plants for the kids. It was very small scale and most things...

Gardener Story: Grace Edwards

My great joy in my garden, this year, has been the involvement of my youngest kiddo. Gardening with my three-year-old daughter amidst the challenges of deer nibbling and imperfect planting conditions has provided a valuable and enriching experience for her development...

Gardener Story: Wight Family Garden

I started gardening out of the need for more fresh foods for my children due to food allergies and sensitivities. This was the push I needed as I’ve wanted to garden since I was a child watching my Aunt put out a big garden every year.  I want to create my own...

Gardner Story: Jill Caron

We moved to the Telford area in Sept. 2019 from SE NC. We tried growing tomatoes and squash the first couple of years here with moderate success. I established raspberries in 2020 and they do well and flourish with little help. I felt at a loss as to what would grow...