Help us grow, connect, preserve, & foster in Northeast Tennessee.

Your support keeps us running. Our work depends on the generous donations we receive from community members, partners, and sponsors. Make a tax-deductible contribution to the Appalachian RC&D Council today, and you will be an integral part of our drive to support local agriculture, ensure access to nutritious food for all our local communities, and protect the natural beauty of Appalachia. You may choose to have your contribution applied to a specific program, or to wherever our greatest need is currently. Thank you for your support!


Gardener Story: Susan Rasmussen

The personal growth that arises through the cultivation of plants and the nurturing process contributes to a sense of accomplishment and self-reliance, and the opportunity to engage with this community fosters a sense of togetherness for those times in the garden when it helps to know you are not alone in the battles against the weekends and bugs.

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