I am excited to be with the BIU Gardening Program again this year. It is such a wonderful program and I have learned a wealth of information. I look forward to celebrating the successes and failures of all of our efforts. I have learned that sometimes a plant just doesn’t want to grow 😉 This morning, as I had a few extra minutes before starting the rush of getting kids to school and myself to work, I couldn’t help but notice how green and vibrant everything looked. With the rain last night, new growth was evident. The rain drops on the leaves of the plants put a smile on my face. I have seeds to get in the ground this weekend and some general maintenance to do. I use a raised bed system with top soil and compost from Hoffman Composting. They are a wonderful, locally owned business with great products! I’m looking forward to growing some new plants this year including chard, leeks, brussels sprouts and edible flowers. Enjoy the gardening season 🙂