I’m beginning my second year of gardening and it is already VASTLY different than last year. I expanded my garden by taking over the other half of my front yard. I started by tilling and sowing buckwheat as most of my garden will be for summer planting. I put together my garden plan and installed a cattle panel trellis. I planted 40 peas along the bottom of the trellis and only ONE sprouted!? I’m not sure how that even happens, especially since I had so many peas last year. I have re-sown them, so I hope this round produces. Brassicas are also planted out. The broccoli is happy, and the brussels sprouts have an attitude lol. I also planted a bunch of tomatoes in throughout the brassicas. I’ve also planted onions which I’ve never done before, so I’m excited for that! 

I also have to find a way to deal with this Bermuda grass, It. Is. AWFUL! I was gifted a truckload of stone pavers, so I dug a little trench and placed them(with my husband’s help) around the perimeter or one of my beds. I’m using that in combination with the landscape fabric we were given this year. I am hoping that is enough to at least keep it at bay, if not I’ll unfortunately have to get some roundup and attack it that way before planting next year. 

Not too much excitement yet, but I know it’s gonna start getting crazy during the next couple weeks/months as I get to plant out more.