Help us grow, connect, preserve, & foster in Northeast Tennessee.

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Gardener Story: Liz K

Just as Frankenstein was put together with many different parts, so was my garden. It was an everchanging project that evolved from one row of plants to now 10 rows of a variety of companion plants, a small corn field with a perimeter of pole beans and two sets of mounds for melons and squashes. There is a staging area for my tools and supplies and the garden is surrounded by some naturally grown flowering plants like clover and chicory to attract the pollinators. I have used mainly things on my farm like used stakes, old wooden produce boxes, tobacco sticks and some used landscape fabric to set up my garden. I did have to invest a little money in brand new landscape fabric, soaker hoses and organic pesticides to make gardening a little easier. In all, I have been very fortunate to keep my overhead costs down thanks to BIU and my knack for recycling and reusing resources to create my Frankengarden.

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