Help us grow, connect, preserve, & foster in Northeast Tennessee.

Your support keeps us running. Our work depends on the generous donations we receive from community members, partners, and sponsors. Make a tax-deductible contribution to the Appalachian RC&D Council today, and you will be an integral part of our drive to support local agriculture, ensure access to nutritious food for all our local communities, and protect the natural beauty of Appalachia. You may choose to have your contribution applied to a specific program, or to wherever our greatest need is currently. Thank you for your support!


Gardener Story: Lawren Smith

Overall, gardening is a very beautiful experience. I love that this has caused me to get outside more. Also, my fear of bugs has decreased quite a bit. It was amazing to realize I can get in the garden and work next to bees and wasps without being harmed. I am more able to recognize which insects are helpers and are working in harmony with my garden. Gardening has been a great bonding moment as well. Getting to share my harvest with friends and family members, and working on the garden with my parents has been a memorable experience.

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Gardener Story: Julie Voudrie “Hard” Gardening

Of all the necessary components for a successful garden, the most important one can’t be bought or measured. You can’t borrow it, steal it, barter for it, or have it delivered. Yet without it, no garden would ever be planted. The most essential element every gardener must have is hope.

When the gray of winter is interrupted by 4-color seed catalogs, hope spurs us to dream of golden sunny days filled with juicy red tomatoes and crisp green lettuce. Hope spurs us to grab a hoe and a pair of gloves and work up the first sweat of spring.

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Gardener Story: Lauren Banawa

Through this program, I’ve learned the importance of patience and the joy of nurturing life from seed to harvest. Gardening has taught me about the intricate balance of nature, the importance of soil health, and the role of different plants in an ecosystem. Additionally, I’ve gained hands-on experience with sustainable farming practices and learning how to manage pests organically. The sense of community among fellow gardeners has also been incredibly rewarding, as we share tips, successes, and the occasional challenges. One of the most rewarding aspects has been the bonding experience with my mother-in-law. We’ve spent many days together in the garden and in class, and then sharing meals together from the veggies that we’ve grown.

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