Environmental Conservation

The “RC” in our acronym stands for “Resource Conservation.” Resource conservation entails land preservation, soil health, water conservation, and more. In our farming and gardening education courses we encourage organic practices and educate growers about the hazards involved with common pesticides. More broadly, our work in land preservation, soil health, and water conservation help to keep Northeast Tennessee the safe, healthy, and beautiful region that it is.

The spaces below provide an overview of our work in this sector as well as our articles related to this work.

Land Preservation

The need for a regional land conservation initiative began when Appalachian RC&D Council members working in Northeast Tennessee started to notice the accelerating disappearance of farmland in the area, and the desire for many residents to take action and protect their family landholdings before it was sold and developed. The Tennessee Chapter of the Nature Conservancy and the Southern Appalachian Highland Conservancy had been active in the region for many years, but had specific missions that focused on conservation of the high mountain areas and unique and imperiled ecosystems. There was no organization working to protect the family farm.

The Appalachian RC&D Council approached the Land Trust for Tennessee to create a satellite office in Northeast Tennessee to serve land owners in Northeast Tennessee to address to disappearance of farmland and open spaces in the region. In the partnership agreement, The ARC&D staff would work on the ground with landowners and communities and raise their own operating costs, while Land Trust for Tennessee would provide the technical and legal expertise needed to complete conservation easement agreements. Read on about this project here.

Water Conservation

Natural Tunnel Stream channeling at Evergreen Baptist Church, Roan Creek, Johnson County.

Twenty years of responsible fiscal management has made us a regional go-to for administration of environmental state funds that must be implemented through a nonprofit. From 2015-2018 the ARC&D is proud to have been awarded a second “319”  grant from the Environmental Protection Agency and TN Dept. of Agriculture to continue eliminating E.Coli and nitrogen pollution problems in Roan Creek watershed of Johnson County.

Year 2014 marked the close of a five-year “319” grant on Roan Watershed, working closely with Brushy Fork Environmental Consulting. This project benefited many landowners by providing cost-share to stabilize stream banks, leading to less erosion and more filtration of sediment, nitrogen, and pollutants, and make healthier aquatic species habitat. The grant was also used to stabilize streams in advance of installing Doe Mountain’s Adventure Trails system.  We were able to repair 15 stream sites. Read on about this project here.


Envirothon is a national educational program and competition that advocates for high school students to learn about conservation and various environmental subjects. Each year, Appalachian RC&D hosts the regional competition for Environthon. The first place winner from the regional competition goes on to compete at the state level. Read about the latest competition here. 

Gardener Story: Brandi Eveland Sayers

Gardener Story: Brandi Eveland Sayers

I am excited to be with the BIU Gardening Program again this year. It is such a wonderful program and I have learned a wealth of information. I look forward to celebrating the successes and failures of all of our efforts. I have learned that sometimes a plant just...

Garden Irrigation by Gardener Jacqueline

Garden Irrigation by Gardener Jacqueline

Drip Irrigation for the Home Gardener Drip Irrigation is not for everyone or for every situation, but this no-till gardener with a DIY drip system can no longer imagine growing small fruit and vegetables in East Tennessee without one. Drip systems have benefits and...

Gardener Story: Heather Buntich

Gardener Story: Heather Buntich

As a second-year gardener I feel much more confident going into this growing season. And yet, I have already learned a few things to do differently next year. I have a feeling that it will always be like that. Each go-round bringing a new set of lessons learned. Last...

Gardener Story: Shauna Donovan

Gardener Story: Shauna Donovan

Spring is here and with it, another year of gardening! I have been itching to get out there and get some plants in the ground! With each new year, comes new techniques and changes to my garden. I always try to do something different each year so I can see what works...

Gardener Story: Kayla Sanchez

Gardener Story: Kayla Sanchez

I’m beginning my second year of gardening and it is already VASTLY different than last year. I expanded my garden by taking over the other half of my front yard. I started by tilling and sowing buckwheat as most of my garden will be for summer planting. I put together...

Meet The New Build It Up Program Assistant

Meet The New Build It Up Program Assistant

Hi Ya, Rachel Slaughter here - Build It Up's new Program Assistant.  I thought I'd introduce myself since there is a good chance you may be getting an email from me before we get a chance to meet in person.   One of my earliest memories is the year my brother planted...

Gardener Story: Laura Ciccone

Gardener Story: Laura Ciccone

This is our second year being a part of the ARCD Build It Up program. Last year we had a lot fun and learned so much!    Last year we started an elderberry patch. When I went to prep them for this years addition I immediately could tell that we had been hit by...

Gardener Story: Norris Family

Gardener Story: Norris Family

When I was young my grandfather farmed for a living and started the farmers' market in Boone, NC. While I was able to help my grandparents in the garden during the summer and sell produce on the weekends, I was not old enough to glean the knowledge and skills of...

Gardener Story: Cindy Armstrong

I come from a long line of brown thumbs, so when I heard about this program to help beginner gardeners, I was quite excited to apply for a chance to learn. I was chosen to be one of the few who would participate in the Build It Up program and I am grateful. My yard,...

Gardener Story: The Kopp Family

Gardener Story: The Kopp Family

From it's HUMBLE beginnings to its BOUNTIFUL state, our family garden has been a source of joy, learning, and blessing for us all.  Our family has always had something growing in a pot or two wherever we've lived...an we've lived in many states. When we relocated here...