
We’re hiring: can you tell the story?

We’re hiring: can you tell the story?

Communications and Fundraising Assistant

Appalachian RC&D Council, Johnson City

The mission of the Appalachian RC&D Council is to improve rural economy in Northeast Tennessee through conservation of natural resources and enhanced educational opportunities.

Field School Schedule

Field School Schedule

The Field School annual calendar of workshops for beginning farmers has just been released and application forms are available at The Field School is a 10-session series (November 2016 through August 2017) that provides you with...

National Quilt Trail Gathering

National Quilt Trail Gathering

Many thanks to those who joined us in sunny Greeneville, TN, August 10-13th for the 2016 National Quilt Trail Gathering!  Together we learned a lot and created valuable connections across the country and Canada.  We made new friends and shared our love for the Quilt...

Quilt Trail Summer Celebration Series

Quilt Trail Summer Celebration Series

Join us and get wrapped up in the Quilt Trail this summer! August 10th-13th is a Summer Celebration of the Quilt Trail, hosted by Greeneville/Greene County! With quilt shows, artist lectures, the world premiere of "Pieced Together", a Farm Dinner and a Motor Coach...

Field School #8 – Post from Shae Keane

Field School #8 – Post from Shae Keane

Field School session #8: Food Processing and Safety By Shae Keane On June 16th, the Field School’s beginning farmers gathered yet again for a workshop that some commented was the most valuable of all workshops thus far: Farm-to-Consumer Food Safety. Thanks to two...

Envirothon 2016

Envirothon 2016

Here is the Envirothon Report for 2016....but stayed tuned for later this summer because there's more news to come.... Read on..... Winged Deer Park was the site of the...

Quilt Turning a Success

Thank you to everyone that came out to Kingsport for the Quilt Turning event.  The April 28th Quilt Turning event at First Broad Street Methodist Church in downtown Kingsport was a success.  This storytelling event featured the quilts behind the quilt barns of...

Field School #6: Post from Camille Cody

Field School Session #6: Marketing & Branding Your Farm Camille Cody, Jonesborough, writes this post about April's session of the Field School.  Camille is Farm Manager at Serenity Knoll Farm. She is responsible for a 5-acre hilltop diverse vegetable operation...