Gardener Story: Susan Rasmussen

The personal growth that arises through the cultivation of plants and the nurturing process contributes to a sense of accomplishment and self-reliance, and the opportunity to engage with this community fosters a sense of togetherness for those times in the garden when it helps to know you are not alone in the battles against the weekends and bugs.

Gardener Story: Lovelace Family

Our family favorite crop to grow is popcorn. It looked cool hanging to dry during the fall, and the kids have fun taking the kernels off the cob and popping them. It is now a regular treat on our movie nights.

Gardener Story: Mary Boado

Having fresh, produce like kale and radishes right outside our door has changed the way we eat and feel. Knowing exactly what goes into growing these vegetables—free from unknown pesticides and mystery chemicals—gives us peace of mind.

Gardener Story: Lucas Family

Hi Everyone, We are the Lucas’ and this is our second year with the ARCD Build It Up gardening program. Over the course of our time in the program we have learned so much about gardening in general. However, the best part has been learning about gardening in our...