Anyone want Zucchinis?!

I have to say that being a garden novice has really opened my eyes to the amount of produce that can occur! Granted, I was not the most organized when I started my garden in late April. I did spend time laying out a garden plan. However, when I got around to actually planting seeds, I rushed it and did not remember what exactly I planted and where. I blame starting a new position at work for my lack of focus. I did not particularly spend time following the seed spacing suggestions either. Oops! I learned that lesson the hard way. Note to self for next summer; space out your seeds! And write down what you planted and where. Although my garden is booming, it has become a bit overcrowded. I am now in a daily battle to thin out some portions of the garden.

I decided to go ALL in and planted corn, cucumbers, zucchinis, tomatoes, pumpkins, cabbage, beets, snap peas, butternut and acorn squash, potatoes, onions, watermelon, tons of lettuce and arugula, and different herbs. I have been watering every morning since the temperature is so hot and I did spray the insect solution and fertilizer two times this summer so far. I had no expectations for my first garden but I am so proud and filled with gratitude at the quality and quantity that is growing. (Who knew that butternut squash was soooo adorable!) I am already planning for my summer garden next year! Now on to my next challenge, learning how to preserve all of this produce…….. Happy Gardening Everyone!

-Erin Egan