Gardening is important to me and my family because it helps us know where most of our produce comes from. It also helps us get outside more often and learn more things about the outdoors, whether it’s disease or pests in the garden or when to harvest.

We have learned a lot from Build It Up but our favorite lesson so far would have to be the disease lesson. We learned a lot from that lesson and the pictures will help us easily identify what is happening in our garden!

Our favorite thing to grow would be peppers, from jalapeno to bell peppers, we love them. I personally like to pickle the jalapenos or toss them fresh on a homemade pizza.

The weeds have been the hardest part of gardening so far but the fabric we received from Build It Up has helped immensely! We still have a few weeds popping up here and there but the fabric has taken care of most of them. We are happy to be a part of Build It Up and can’t wait to see how our garden and knowledge grow! 

-Kevin Mast