Help us grow, connect, preserve, & foster in Northeast Tennessee.

Your support keeps us running. Our work depends on the generous donations we receive from community members, partners, and sponsors. Make a tax-deductible contribution to the Appalachian RC&D Council today, and you will be an integral part of our drive to support local agriculture, ensure access to nutritious food for all our local communities, and protect the natural beauty of Appalachia. You may choose to have your contribution applied to a specific program, or to wherever our greatest need is currently. Thank you for your support!


A Look at Our 30th Year with Andy Brown, Executive Director

Wow - what a year!  We started off 2024 knowing we had much to do - and with your partnership, program participation, financial support and good will - we have delivered, making Northeast Tennessee’s local farm to food scene more prosperous, resilient and accessible...

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Roy Settle: Looking Back on 30 Years of RC&D History

The Appalachian RC&D Council turns 30 in 2024. Roy Settle, the founding Director (then called "Project Coordinator") until 2011, and current Board Member, provides a retrospective on his career and the ARC&D's impact and future vision.    Images...

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