Farming for the ages: this all-day conference is geared towards beginning farmers of East Tennessee and generational farms in transition to the next (ad)venture. Speakers, workshop leaders, and one-on-one consultants include expert growers, UT Extension, TN Department...
Welcome to the Second Edition of Our Newsletter
Welcome to the second edition of the TriCities Local Food and Agriculture Newsletter! While our farms may be off for the season, we definitely are not! In this issue you’ll learn all about different ways that agriculture is being supported in the region, upcoming...
Winter Recipes
It's often hard to eat local throughout the winter, but working at the Boone Street Market has helped me learn how to eat heartily through the cold months. The secret: squash and greens! So let's get some ideas going on how to use all of those different varieties of...
ARCD Receives $100,000 Grant to Improve Local Food Economy
This past fall the ARCD Council, in partnership with Jonesborough Locally Grown and Appalachian Sustainable Development, received $100,000 for the USDA’s Local Food Promotion Program to increase consumer understanding and demand of our local food systems in the NE TN...
Expo to Foster Local Food Connections in Tri-Cities
The local food expo has been rescheduled for same time and place (5:30, 123 E. Main St at Old Quarters in Jonesborough) for FEBRUARY 23 due to inclement weather. The famous phrase “it’s who you know” refers to the importance of relationships. It’s no less true in the...
Farmers Bring a Creative Business Focus to Friends of Ag this Winter
This winter season the Friends of Agriculture breakfast, hosted by the ARCD and sponsored by Farm Bureau, the Harris Fund of East TN, Farm Credit Mid America, and the Washington County Soil Conservation District, has focused on creative business endeavors and...
Want to Grow Your Own Business? ‘Build It Up’ Receives $23K Grant to Assist Market Gardeners
JOHNSON CITY --- Grow Appalachia (Berea, KY) has awarded Build It Up East TN a $23K grant to recruit and train small scale gardeners to grow fresh produce for area markets in 2015. According to Grow Appalachia, ‘family farming and gardening have become less popular...
Non-Profit Profile: Rural Resources
Rural Resources: Connecting Farms, Food, and Families on the Front Lines Who We Are: Rural Resources is a 21-year-old nonprofit organization located in Greene County, Tennessee. The mission of our work is "connecting farms, food, and families," with a focus on...
USDA Offers $68 Million in REAP Grants to Encourage Solar Farming
USDA Invests $68 Million in 540 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects Nationwide Funding includes loan guarantees and grants for solar energy to create jobs, promote energy independence and advance the use of renewable fuels BUNN, N.C., Sept. 18, 2014 –...
Washington County Soil Conservation District Awards Banquet
The Washington County Soil Conservation District held its annual Conservation Awards Banquet on Thursday, November 6th at Sulphur Springs United Methodist Church. The Conservation awards banquet is a way to gather producers and partners to honor individuals who have...