Gardener Story: Norris Family

When I was young my grandfather farmed for a living and started the farmers’ market in Boone, NC. While I was able to help my grandparents in the garden during the summer and sell produce on the weekends, I was not old enough to glean the knowledge and skills of...

Gardener Story: Cindy Armstrong

I come from a long line of brown thumbs, so when I heard about this program to help beginner gardeners, I was quite excited to apply for a chance to learn. I was chosen to be one of the few who would participate in the Build It Up program and I am grateful. My yard,...

Gardener Story: Hannah Kiger

This is our second year in the Build It Up program. Last year, my husband and I focused on expanding our number of raised beds. But this year, bolstered by all we learned last year, we decided to be more ambitious and try some new things. We tilled an in-ground bed...

Shauna Donovan

The 2022 growing season has brought with it all kinds of exciting new adventures! Initially when I heard about BIU, I thought, “I’m not a new gardener so I don’t know that I would benefit from this all that much.” Boy, was I ever wrong! I have been gardening for about...

Gardener Story: Heather Buntich

As I googled what to do with unripe butternut, I silently cursed the squash bugs who had invaded and murdered my beautiful vines. I have 23 unripe squash lying in what now seems to be their grassy grave. Frustrated with the waste of it all, I perked up when I found...