by Rachel Slaughter | Aug 14, 2022 | Build It Up
Before we started the Build it Up program, we had taken a few stabs at having our own gardens, with very little guidance, very little yield and a whole bunch of frustration. We could never figure out why our zucchinis rotted, our cucumbers died and we got very few... by Rachel Slaughter | Aug 5, 2022 | Build It Up
Our family is happy to be a part of the Build It Up program and the opportunity to create abundance for our home. It was our first year gardening and we were excited to experiment and learn. The experience came with many high points and some low points that allowed... by Rachel Slaughter | Aug 3, 2022 | Build It Up
This is our first year having a garden. This is also our first summer in our first house. We’ve had tomatoes and basil plants on the porch of rentals, but we’ve never had SPACE the way we do this year. The hardest part was deciding what to plant! We poured... by Rachel Slaughter | Jul 28, 2022 | Build It Up
I am a city girl. I’ve lived in apartments almost all of my life and I had never considered growing a garden. I was not a fan of the outdoors, sweating, dealing with bugs…nope it was not for me. In 2020 we got locked down and my daughter was BORED. I was trying...