This is the second year that we have had a garden here in Tennessee. We are transplants from New York and had a very teeny tiny garden up there for the last few years before we moved. We were always more or less just experimenting to see if we could grow food. Our garden last year gave us a ton of tomatoes and not too much else did well. Probably because we just planted plants with no rhyme or reason. This summer we have planned out just about every detail for the garden. I drew a map and and we tilled and prepped and we planted all our beautiful plants and lots of seeds. I made a log of when each plant and seed got planted and its location in the garden. Then our backs went out and we didn’t get the rest of the seed in – we are going to explore raised beds for the future because we aren’t getting younger. The rest of the seeds will go in this week. I think growing corn is the most challenging crop because of the spacing for pollination. I’m not very confident about our crop this year but I guess time will tell. We really like the new way we learned to weave the twine for the tomatoes. That is a total game changer. I wish we had the chance to get our soil tested this year….we plan to definitely do that next year. There is so much to learn but I think we can do it. If nothing else, the garden gives me and my husband time to spend together.