This is our first year having a garden. 

This is also our first summer in our first house. 

We’ve had tomatoes and basil plants on the porch of rentals, but we’ve never had SPACE the way we do this year. The hardest part was deciding what to plant! We poured through seed catalogs and I sketched out garden plan after garden plan (and then really didn’t even look at it when we started planting). 

There’s something about the garden that makes the house feel so much more homey, like we’re not just living here. We’re working together, with the space, to create delicious food and memories. 

We have no idea what we’re doing in the garden. I google everything, and I’ve checked out dozens of books from the library. I mostly let the bugs do their thing and try to remember when it rained last.

And yet, the garden keeps on churning out kale (so much kale), Sun Gold tomatoes and cucumbers. My girls really wanted to make pickles, so I planted waaaay too many cucumbers. We now eat cucumbers and fridge pickles every single day. 

I’ve learned a lot through the Build It Up Program and their supply of seeds and plants have made all this possible. But what I love most about the garden is that we don’t have to know everything. The kale just keeps coming, the Sun Golds just keep climbing. 


I’m capturing the garden as it changes through the seasons, with monthly video garden tours. You can watch them here: