Download the 2015 Newsletter: 2015 Highlights from the ARC&D

As another eventful year in the mountains and river valleys of northeast Tennessee comes to a close, please take a few minutes to learn why Appalachian RC&D matters—and why we need you to give financially to support us this year. Highlights from 2015 include:

  • Launching a 10-part training program for beginning farmers.
  • Hosting 8 workshops on farming smarter –including “speed-dating” events for growers to meet with buyers & workshops to stabilize farm income year-round.
  • Exposing 450 children to scientific exploration of fresh healthy foods at area camps, schools, and farmers market demos.
  • Establishing 5 new youth-oriented community gardens.
  • Bringing (or participating) in $300,000 in grant funds .jdove quote
  • Reaching new audiences for our Quilt Trail arts & agriculture network.
  • Securing Greeneville as the host for the 2016 National Quilt Trail Gathering
  •  Spreading the message of smart growth and wildfire safety via Firewise.
  •  Being awarded Outstanding RC&D for Tennessee.

If you believe in the movement for a strong regional local farm and food economy in northeast Tennessee, we need your support, whether you can give $25 or $250, you can donate online here. Like Jamie’s gracious quote at right shows, the ARC&D is invaluable for the movement. Rally around our network of good people and be inspired!