Download the 2015 Newsletter: 2015 Highlights from the ARC&D
As another eventful year in the mountains and river valleys of northeast Tennessee comes to a close, please take a few minutes to learn why Appalachian RC&D matters—and why we need you to give financially to support us this year. Highlights from 2015 include:
- Launching a 10-part training program for beginning farmers.
- Hosting 8 workshops on farming smarter –including “speed-dating” events for growers to meet with buyers & workshops to stabilize farm income year-round.
- Exposing 450 children to scientific exploration of fresh healthy foods at area camps, schools, and farmers market demos.
- Establishing 5 new youth-oriented community gardens.
- Bringing (or participating) in $300,000 in grant funds .
- Reaching new audiences for our Quilt Trail arts & agriculture network.
- Securing Greeneville as the host for the 2016 National Quilt Trail Gathering
- Spreading the message of smart growth and wildfire safety via Firewise.
- Being awarded Outstanding RC&D for Tennessee.
If you believe in the movement for a strong regional local farm and food economy in northeast Tennessee, we need your support, whether you can give $25 or $250, you can donate online here. Like Jamie’s gracious quote at right shows, the ARC&D is invaluable for the movement. Rally around our network of good people and be inspired!
Field School
Field School
Awarded Oustanding RC&D Council of 2015 by the TN RC&D Association.
Self-built system; At the Whites, Afton (Greene)
Harvey Burniston's, Butler
Joe Couch's Rogersville Workshop on Season Extension
Shop Hop East Tennessee quilt fabric
New Quilt Trail mobile app
Ron Dawson of Watauga and St. John's Mill, the oldest business in Tennessee
Mary Faulkner of Fall Branch with her Western Spy
Quilt Turning: In the Garden quilt from downtown Greeneville's Quilt Trail
ARC&D Staff member, Lexy, convincing kids to eat lettuce
ARCD staff, AmeriCorps, and partners at the new Boone Street Market, a year-round market opportunity for farmers.
February mixer in Jboro
2014 Mixer in Bristol - our first one bringing folks together.
A little Friend of Ag
Chefs, like Main St Pizza here, are supporting local - delicious refreshments at the mixers.
Friends of Ag
Friends of Ag
Grace Meadows wins the prize at Feb's Mixer
NRCS DC presents at Workshop
Suzie Kelly's logo for Field School