Shae Keane of Johnson City, TN, has volunteered to blog while going through the Field School program. Here is her post "Out of the Classroom and Onto the Farm" about the 5th session held Saturday March 19th at Rural Resources, Greeneville. Crop Production...
Field School
Field School 4th Session: Post from Shae Keane
Field School Session 4 Navigating Farm Resources---Neighbors, Conservation, and Financial Support The Appalachian RC&D Field School for farmers-in-training met this past Thursday, February 18 for the fourth session. With a theme of “Resources/...
Field School 3rd Session: Post from Taylor Malone, Animals for Small Farms
Taylor Malone owns a native nursery and edible landscaping business. As Project Manager for a nonprofit community group Build It Up he coordinates the food forests (public parks planted exclusively with edible perennials for the community) in urban Johnson City. Here...
Field School 2nd Session: Post from Shae Keane
Shae Keane is early in her farming journey and signed up for the Field School to learn and meet others. She has volunteered to blog about each Field School session that she attends. Here is her post on the second session, held Dec. 19th. Saturday, December 19— Field...
Field School First Session: Post from Shae Keane
Shae Keane is early in her farming journey and signed up for the Field School to learn and meet others. She has volunteered to blog about each Field School session that she attends. Here is her post on the first session, held Nov. 19th in Jonesborough, "Farming...
Field School Program announced!
The Appalachian RC&D, thanks to the following partners, is pleased to announce the opening of a new training program for beginning farmers. The Field School offers a year-long Beginning Farmer Training Program for people who are ready to take their passion for...
Field School to Train New Farmers in NETN
The Appalachian RC&D Council and several community partners are starting a "Field School" this fall, a new farmer training program tailored to regional environment, regulations, resources, and markets. With the average age of our farmers around 60-years, there’s...