Farming for the ages: this all-day conference is geared towards beginning farmers of East Tennessee and generational farms in transition to the next (ad)venture. Speakers, workshop leaders, and one-on-one consultants include expert growers, UT Extension, TN Department of Ag, and area professionals.

The average age of a farm operator in Tennessee is 62 — let’s get growing for our future health and security!

Supported by the ETSU Office of Professional Development, Walters State Community College, and the Appalachian RC&D Council.

Sponsors who want to show their commitment to young farm entrepreneurs are welcome. Check out our wall for sponsor recognition.

Regular registration is $55.
Includes all conference events, locally-sourced lunch, pre-and-post-conference coffee and local treats, resources binder, and the opportunity to meet and network with like-minded farmers growing in East Tennessee.

If you are under 35, you can apply to attend for only $25! Thanks to the Tennessee RC&D Council, scholarships are available–see how to apply by Feb. 13th for this opportunity by contacting

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