Attention supporters of agriculture in Washington County!
The Appalachian RC&D Council invites you to a monthly breakfast of the Friends of Washington Ag
Thursday, February 14th. 7:00-8:00am
Limestone Ruritan Club, Limestone TN
(off 11E on Limestone Ruritan Rd)
~Please RSVP by Feb 10th~
We are really excited about this initiative and hope to see you there!  It’s an informal opportunity for the diverse faces of farming and supporters of farming in Washington County to come together and connect, discuss, learn over a monthly breakfast. For more details on the goals of the Friends of Ag see
Our featured presenter for February is Roy Settle, former Project Coordinator for the Appalachian RC&D Council and founder of the Quilt Trail in upper East Tennessee. Roy was with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service from 1984-2011 serving counties all across the state. He is now Vice President of Agricultural Lending at First Bank and Trust.
A tasty Pay-What-You-Can (donation) breakfast will be prepared on site for with local ingredients–what place is lucky enough to be able to eat local eggs, local grits, local sausage, and local baked goods?
WHEN: Feb 14th, 7:00am
WHERE: Limestone Ruritan Club on Limestone Ruritan Rd off 11E
WHO: All who want to strengthen Washington’s agricultural heritage and economy
HOW MUCH: Pay what you can donation
~RSVP by Feb 10th~
Harris Fund of Washington County
Washington Farmers Cooperative
Washington Soil Conservation District,
Washington County Ag Extension Office

Future Dates during the off-season:
March 14

April 11

May 9

Stay tuned here for updates on these breakfasts