Our Next Executive Director
The Announcement
Insights from Our Next
Executive Director
Welcome Messages
Insights from our Next Executive Director

Andy Brown shares his thoughts about assuming the position of Executive Director, his confidence in ARCD’s future, and his vision for the organization.
,The Appalachian Resource Conservation & Development Council has a long and strong track record of successfully promoting and protecting the agricultural lands, natural resource base and rural communities upon which the quality of life of Northeast Tennessee depends.
The Quilt Trail Project started by ARCD in the early 2000’s has been a tremendous asset to our region. Go drive through the countryside and undoubtedly you will see old barns, many of great historic value, proudly displaying heritage quilt patterns. Important histories have been passed down to the next generations and a little rural tourism and economic development has been generated along the way. The Beginning Farmer Training Hub is innovatively meeting the real-world needs of new and emerging farmers. We are providing business coaching and connecting new farmers with owners of agricultural lands who want to see them remain in production. ARC&D’s sponsorship of Streambank Stabilization and Restoration projects always create win-win solutions – helping farmers keep their valuable croplands from eroding and washing away while simultaneously improving stream habitat and water quality so essential to Tennessee’s prized fisheries.
I could go on and on, speaking even more about ARC&D’s promotion of Local Farmers Markets, Farm Tours and Farmland Preservation and the Build It Up Back Yard Gardening Classes. The Staff and Board of the Appalachian RC&D and their record of success through these programs over 3 decades engenders great confidence in me and others that we will continue to deliver great results. Moreover, by maintaining connections with our rural communities and working through an entrepreneurial mindset, I feel we are uniquely poised to respond to newly emerging needs and challenges that agricultural communities in Northeast Tennessee are facing.
Tennessee lost over 1.5 million acres of farmland to development between 1997 and now and is forecasted to lose another 500,000 acres by 2027. Our state ranks fourth nationwide as most threatened with loss of farmland. I am not anti-development. I own a home that was built in a previously undeveloped area and, as a masonry contractor for years, I have made some of my living in the construction trades. But I am unabashedly pro-farm for all that is found there in terms of food security; a slower pace of life; hunting, fishing and other recreational opportunities; and many traditional cultural values. I believe farms and farming communities are worth protecting and promoting. Thankfully, I find that a sizeable number of people share with me that value. And its not a partisan issue – people from all political viewpoints share this perspective. And that’s a good thing!
Many of these people are current farmers or new and emerging farmers. Many of these people own farmland and are retiring out of farming as a livelihood but still want to see their lands in farm production. Many live in cities and neighborhoods but feel drawn to take themselves and their families out to the country on occasion where they can breathe a little easier. And of course, who doesn’t prefer fresh, locally grown foods that they can purchase either at their grocer, favorite restaurant, community farmers market or at the farm directly?
Due to ARC&D’s demonstrated ability to respond innovatively to rural communities needs and their track record of success in doing so COMBINED WITH grow societal trends that place a premium value on food security, farm life and rural heritage I am very excited about the future for the Appalachian RC&D and the communities we serve. In the next year or so, it is highly likely that we will develop a new strategic plan that will help us prioritize and focus our work as well invest internally so that we can thrive over the long term. In the meantime, we are going to continue doing what we have been doing very well but grow our capacity to do it even better.
I look forward to being a part of this very effective team in this truly inspiring time!
-Andy Brown