Help us grow, connect, preserve, & foster in Northeast Tennessee.

Your support keeps us running. Our work depends on the generous donations we receive from community members, partners, and sponsors. Make a tax-deductible contribution to the Appalachian RC&D Council today, and you will be an integral part of our drive to support local agriculture, ensure access to nutritious food for all our local communities, and protect the natural beauty of Appalachia. You may choose to have your contribution applied to a specific program, or to wherever our greatest need is currently. Thank you for your support!


Disaster Recovery Resources

Hurricane Helene caused a “one in 1,000 years” rainfall event, bringing our rivers to carry so much water that communities were devastated by flooding and destroyed infrastructure, and the loss of neighbors and friends. The recovery will be a long haul. ARCD stands by...

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Gardener Story: Jamie Shamblin

Then our hardest battle yet came with the summer heat and dry weather. We had caught hundreds of gallons of rain water to help water the garden but it wasn’t enough for how hot and dry it was this year. Luckily we learned from the class that mulch works great to help hold moisture for the plants.

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Gardener Story: Winnie Li

I felt so good when I saw our freezer filled up with vegetables from the garden, especially during the wintertime, I appreciated every bite of the food that came from the garden. I am so proud that I can share some of my food with the neighbors and friends.

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Gardener Story: Amy & Zane

The sequencing of BIU’s workshops unrolled in a helpful way, specifically when it came to the two workshops on Pests & Diseases. Those have been immensely helpful and we contact the folks who led those workshops almost weekly for a “HELP! What’s this bug/disease? How do we fix it ASAP?” style check-in. Each workshop helped us recognize the importance of the season and what you can do with it.

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