After moving to Tennessee and buying a house 4 years ago, I really appreciate this program for giving me the nudge and confidence to actually get a proper garden growing. My parents live in our backyard and my mom and I have had a couple things growing before but nothing I would call a garden. A couple blueberry and raspberry bushes, some tomatoes and rhubarb. I took a chance on pumpkins 2 years ago that actually did very well surprisingly, (but I was not prepared for the vines). Growing up we never had a garden so I kinda felt like I was “winging it” because I didn’t really have any gardening knowledge. I had no idea about fertilizer, soil types, or pest control.
Now I proudly look out at our 400 square feet of garden space and everything is green and healthy looking. Our yard isn’t flat, so that space is broken up into an in ground garden area, 2 raised beds, and 3 more garden “patches” for lack of a better term. My kids helped my mom and I plant almost everything and they are so excited now that it’s time to pick it all. They haven’t cared too much about the in-between work. Watering, spraying for the many, many, cabbage worms and pulling weeds doesn’t interest them. But they can pull carrots and pick green beans like garden pros.
We really jumped into this growing season and got quite a variety of plants and seeds. And I am going to say we have been 95% successful. A couple things have been lackluster – the green onions, spinach, jalapeños and butternut squash have been a bust so far this year. We are knee deep in carrots, green beans, lettuce, and peppers right now. Our radishes were wonderful, and the broccoli bolted a little early but we picked it quick and it was delicious (just a little small). The tomatoes are coming along nicely and we are just starting to pick those and our corn is getting….taller. Our green and red cabbage are nice, but on the small side. However, the nicest looking one became someone’s midnight snack the other day. I’m guessing a rabbit or groundhog because our yard is fenced so deer can’t get in.
Which leads me to my only real pest gripe – cabbage worms. That has been the only real pest I endlessly battle. Spray and spray and spray the collards, broccoli, and cabbage. But at least now I know what to do about them. And it’s even a feeling of accomplishment when I can get rid of them, but they always come back.
Full disclosure, I don’t like vegetables or a lot of fruits. I don’t remember ever eating a vegetable in my life. But I pulled and ate a carrot the other day…not too bad. I might eat another. Maybe a green bean too….baby steps. So thank you BIU program. Before this program I flat out refused to eat a vegetable, but you’ve managed to break through my stubbornness.
~Sara Yeager