Field School at Harbin Hill Farms in March 2018
It’s hard to believe that our third year of the Field School is coming to a close already, but our graduation celebration will be on Thursday August 9 at 6pm at Grand Oak Farm in Jonesborough.
This year, we had our largest enrollment yet, with 40 beginning farmers joining us for the first session back in November. Together, we covered a wide range of topics, from business planning, marketing, and farm finances to season extension, rotational grazing, and agritourism! At the graduation, students will have the opportunity to present their business plans and share how their farm dreams have changed over the course of the year.
Past Field School students, all of the instructors, and other supporters of the Field School will be invited to share in a potluck dinner at the farm. A main meat and vegetarian dish will be provided by ARC&D and guests are encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert. Local craft beers and other beverages will be provided.
Field School Graduation Details:
Date: Thursday August 9 at 6pm
Location: Grand Oak Farm
2579 Hwy 81 N
Jonesborough, TN
(Note: GPS often leads people astray, so the best option is to input the “Crossings Golf Club” as your destination. The golf course is a direct neighbor to the farm, so look for Grand Oak’s address once you get there.)
Please RSVP to Lexy at alexis@arcd.org or call 423-979-2581.